Chronic fatigue represents a prevalent condition within the field of functional medicine. Patients typically present with symptoms such as exhaustion, cognitive impairment, irritability, sleep disturbances, mood disorders, and physical discomfort. Despite undergoing extensive medical evaluations, including CT scans, MRIs, endoscopies, and blood tests, the etiology of their symptoms often eludes diagnosis. Consequently, symptomatic management involving antidepressants or immune suppressive therapy is frequently prescribed, or patients are referred to psychiatric care, potentially exacerbating their existing psychological distress.
The etiology of chronic fatigue is commonly multifactorial, involving inflammatory processes linked to suboptimal nutritional status, heightened stress levels, endocrine disruptions, persistent infections, prolonged exposure to toxins, intestinal inflammation, and additional underlying factors. This necessitates thorough assessment. Regrettably, patients frequently resort to self-diagnosis through online sources, resulting in confusion and unwarranted expenditure on ineffectual supplements and remedies.
A comprehensive evaluation identifies and addresses the fundamental causes of chronic fatigue, often leveraging natural products. This approach frequently resolves symptoms and offers a promising route for effective management.